51:35duration 51 minutes 35 seconds
PHS 2020-2021 Wrestling Banquet
03:10duration 3 minutes 10 seconds
01:56duration 1 minute 56 seconds
Google Keep
Google Keep is a note-taking tool that can be…
00:51duration 51 seconds
Snap and Read: Using Text-to-Speech
03:37duration 3 minutes 37 seconds
Puff the Magic Dragon
04:37duration 4 minutes 37 seconds
How to record in Soundtrap
02:17duration 2 minutes 17 seconds
Bookshare: Sign in and Access Reading Lists
This video will show student users how to sign in…
01:16duration 1 minute 16 seconds
Snap and Read: Translation Tool
This video will show the user how to use the…
01:27duration 1 minute 27 seconds
Snap and Read: PDF Annotator
Using the PDF annotation tool in Snap and Read.…
03:56duration 3 minutes 56 seconds
Updating IUSD.TV on Homepage
12:40duration 12 minutes 40 seconds
Editing The Homepage